After a few days away, I'm back. For those of you in the US, did you enjoy your long weekend? I most of the weekend back in my hometown in Ohio, celebrating my cousin's wedding. I was her Maid of Honor, so the weekend was super busy. I had a great time catching up with my family, but as with all trips home, the weekend just flew by. No outfit post for me today, since I'm working from home (thank goodness, I'm so tired, there's no way I could've woken up at 5:30 to go into the office). Instead, here's a wedding recap.
My family's pretty casual, so I didn't really have to dress up for the rehearsal. I went with a skirt because it was 95 degrees out on Friday! This is me, my cousin (the bride), and her adorable 5 year old niece at the church. After the rehearsal, we went to the bride's brother's house for a dinner featuring pulled pork, lovingly smoked by Fella for 9 hours on Thursday, and his very own homemade Memphis-style BBQ sauce. Fella's kind of awesome when it comes to grilling and smoking things.
Rehearsal Outfit
Cardigan: Loft
Tank & Skirt: Target
Necklace: New York & Company
Flats: Born
My bridesmaid dress came from eShakti. I had the sleeves added, since I'm not always down with sleeveless dresses, and chose to have the skirt be knee-length (interestingly enough, the priest told me afterward that he appreciated my modest dress choice, since he sees lots of bridesmaids in short, strapless dresses). I don't think it looks overly bridesmaidey, so I could probably get away with wearing this again.
Wedding outfit
Dress: eShakti
Satellite Paris, via
hazel (birthday gift from Fella this year)
Shoes: Caparros, via PiperLime
Bag: Express
Fella's outfit
Shirt & tie: Macy's
Pants: Banana Republic
Belt: If I had to guess, I'd say Gap?
Shoes: Alamo Shoes, Chicago (bought at the last minute for our friend C's wedding in June, during a Rad visit)
I wasn't sure about how to do my hair since I just got it cut pretty short a couple weeks back, but when I told the stylist to do something with curls, she ran with it. This is the back of my hair about 10 hours after it was done, because I didn't think to take a picture sooner. It was super hot and humid that day, so I swear I had about a full can of hairspray on my hair to combat that. Seriously. We rode in the limo with the windows down after the ceremony, and my hair didn't budge. Sorry, ozone.
On Sunday after having breakfast with my grandma and aunt and visiting with the bride and groom a little more, Fella and I headed up to his parents' summer house in Michigan. That's where they had been staying with the dogs, and I wanted to make sure we got a little r&r time after the wedding craziness. What we hadn't planned on was that the temperature would drop to the upper 50's! We had to borrow warm clothes from Fella's parents, and Fella was especially amused by the moose sweatshirt I was sporting. I don't know, does this make us hipsters? But then, is there really anything ironic about wearing a sweatshirt or flannel because it's cold out?
Last but not least, here's the dogs hanging out on the lake. It was too cold for us to go swimming, but the dogs had no problem with it.