Can you believe it's May already? 4 days into May no less! I can't, mainly because of our crap weather here this week. It was 40 degrees yesterday, which is hardly what I remember May and spring to be like. Today our newspaper reports that we've only hit 70 degrees 3 days this spring, which is an all-time low in nearly 30 years.
Even if warm weather isn't coming soon enough, Fella and I are realizing that our big move is. We close on June 1st, and we're moving into the condo a month from today! Knowing how busy the coming month is for us, I've felt really overwhelmed by everything that needs to get done before June, but now that I'm getting started on it all I think we'll be okay. I packed up 5 boxes of clothes yesterday (including all of our winter stuff - hopefully it doesn't snow again!), and already have 3 big bags of things that I'll be donating to charity. I've talked about decluttering before, and how hard it's been for me to let go of a lot of things that I've been moving around from apartment to apartment with me over the years. But something about this new condo makes me finally feel ready to just let go and give my things a new life. I'm not using them, so someone should.
Cardigan: Target
Tank: Gap Outlet
Pants: Loft Outlet
Shoes: Eddie Bauer
Earrings: New York & Company
Sunglasses: Loft
Spring seems to finally be easing its way into New England, though I can't say that without feeling I'm gonna jinx myself. I hope it warms up soon for you! 40 degrees in May is no way to live. And good luck with the packing! There's nothing like moving to help you declutter. My husband and I have now moved three times together, I think, and I have to admit - we procrastinated a lot during last year's move because it was the first time we'd had full-time jobs (before that we were grad students). Anyway - don't worry! You'll get it done!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you are embracing the decluttering! I think you new closet is going to be a great one, now that you are seizing the opportunity to start fresh.
ReplyDeleteI hope some more spring weather heads your way!
Good, easy outfit. I need to find me some cropped pants/ankle pants to run around in. 1 month until your move -- woohoo! Hopefully the packing/organizing/cleaning process goes well!
ReplyDeleteI need to do some decluttering too. I've been on a spring cleaning kick lately. Your tank is cute, and I hope you get some warm weather too.
ReplyDeleteI swear there will not e a spring here...just one day it is going to be 80 and summer!! Even thought moving is a pain, it is a good excuse to clean things out!!
ReplyDeleteI know right - I can't believe how fast this year is going! At least you're going into summer you lucky thing
ReplyDeleteMaybe, but it feels like summer will never get here at this rate!
ReplyDeleteHave you noticed that we just don't get spring and fall here anymore?
ReplyDeleteDefinitely go with the cleaning kick. Once I get started, it's hard to stop.
ReplyDeleteIt took me forever to find a decent pair of crops! Even stores where I really like their pants and jeans, the crops not so much.
ReplyDeleteStarting fresh seems perfect for spring too. It does feel good to just get rid of all of the old.
ReplyDeleteMine are all packed, but I've still been seeing people walk around in wool coats. In May! Why did I want to live in Chicago again? This is the first time Fella and I moved out of one place and into another together, rather than just combining apartments. But I know from the last move that we have very different packing styles. I want to look at every single item I pack, and he can just throw it all in a box and be done with it.
ReplyDeleteI feel you on the decluttering. I need to get my place ready to go on the market and to move sometime around August 1st. I am hoping that I can catch the decluttering bug from you!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the condo!! Moving is a double edged sword. On one hand you end up cleaning and decluttering (which I love) but on the other you have to pack (which I hate).